
News Segments

12News | Tips & Tools for Buyers to Buy even when mortgage rates are high

As seen on 12News, August 2023. Mortgage rates continue to climb, but buyers shouldn’t be deterred by the increase. Trevor talked to 12News about the latest numbers and what he’s seeing in the Phoenix real estate market.

GMAZ | Channel 3 On Your Side | More renters are opting for mortgages

More renters are opting for a mortgage despite interest rates because rents have skyrocketed in the Phoenix area. Trevor and a couple of his clients chat with Channel 3 about what’s motivating them to make the move.

Arizona’s Family On Your Side 3TV | Phoenix area short-term rentals in decline due to saturated market

Reports indicate that nearly half of all Airbnb, VRBO and other short-term rentals went unreserved during the exceptionally busy spring season. Trevor explained the shift that’s on the horizon to Arizona’s Family 3TV. 

Halpern Residential | Channel 12 | Trevor shows a $4 Million dollar home

As seen on Channel 12, June, 2, 2023. Luxury real estate is heating up in the Phoenix area. Find out why as Trevor shows NBC12 what $4 million dollars will get you these days. 

AZAM on FOX10 Phoenix | Trev Talks Summer Trends

From interest rates to inventory, Trevor talks all things Phoenix real estate as we head into summer. Take a peek at this live segment with FOX10 Phoenix to have all your questions answered. 

The List TV | How to Navigate a Transitioning Market | April 2023

Sometimes it’s a buyers market, sometimes it’s a sellers market. Things are changing very fast in the world of real estate, so Trevor offered some advice on navigating the current housing market. Watch his story that aired nationally on The List. 

GMAZ Arizona’s Family 3TV | Phoenix Spring Housing Outlook

As seen on GMAZ Arizona’s Family 3TV and on AZBigMedia.com, March 2023. Phoenix real estate experienced a bit of a cool down at the beginning of the year, but it’s not expected to last long. Trevor shares with 3TV’s Good Morning Arizona what buyers and sellers can expect this spring and things are looking up

The LIST TV | 2023 Real Estate Predictions

If you’re looking to buy a home and aren’t sure what to expect in 2023, Trevor’s got you covered! He shared his real estate predictions with the nationally syndicated show called The List! 

The What’s Halperning!? Podcast is an opportunity for Trevor to connect with like minded people who seek to bring the same energy and positivity into the world.

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